Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Theory And Identity Theory, And Deal With The Multiple...

To quote Karl Popper, â€Å"Every solution to a problem, raises another unsolved problem† (Williams, 2003, p. 2). It has been a topic debated for centuries, still, a definitive solution is yet to be found that universally satisfies the problem of mind brain identity. The most logical answer comes in the form of monism. Therefore in this paper I will argue that the mind and the brain are identical, as the mind exists only as a property of the brain. David Lewis and D.M Armstrong give support for the causal relationship between mind and brain states in the form of the identity theory, and deal with the multiple realisability argument provided by Hillary Putman. Gottlob Frege provides his support for materialism by showing that mental states are determined by the function of the brain, while discounting Thomas Nagel’s argument which proposes the idea of Qualia. Both the functionalist theory and identity theory reach agreement on the materialistic view that the mind and bra in are of the same substance. The Identity theory maintains a monistic belief by considering states of mind as being indistinguishable to brain states. Mental experiences including feeling pain, and possessing mental images are not correlated with, but in fact are brain processes (Smart, 2007). When dealing with the question of whether the mind and brain are identical, identity theorists differentiate between two forms, Type Identity and Token Identity (Schneider). Token Identity theory considers that mentalShow MoreRelatedWhy Functionalism Is A Better Theory Than Identity Theory1231 Words   |  5 Pagestowards identity theory. Identity theory is a form of physicalism; it states that a particular mental state is identical to a particular physical state of body and brain, for instance mental sensation such as pain is simply just the firing of C-fibres (Smart, 1959). This is a reductionist view as it reduces our psychological state to a materialistic and physical form. A prominent objection against identity theo ry is Functionalism, in which the main advocate Hilary Putnam stated that identity theoryRead MoreWhat is functionalism? Critically assess its main advantages and disadvantages.3994 Words   |  16 Pagesand its relations to other functional components. Functionalism says that mental states are understood by their relations to (a) their sensory stimulation or input, (b) other inner states, and (c) their behavior effects. It is not a meterialistic theory, but can be seen as compatible with the spirit of materialism. In Heils view, although immaterial substances like spirits, are conceiveable, in all probability, every substance is a material substance. So every property posesses by a substance is

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